Now showing items 21-30 of 56
Execução de piso industrial em uma fábrica na cidade de Vitória de Santo Antão
The objective of this work was to analyze the stages of the execution process of a
concrete floor whose use is for industrial purposes in a work located in the
municipality of Vitória de Santo Antão. It is an industrial ...
Políticas de habitação no Brasil: impactos na indústria da construção civil no início do século XXI.
The problem of lack of housing in Brazil has plagued large metropolitan areas for so
long. The diligence – or inertia – from governments in order to remedy such problems
can directly impact the civil construction sector ...
Construção de habitações populares com estruturas de Light Steel Framing em Pernambuco
The construction system of Light Steel Framing, known by the acronym LSF
constituted galvanized steel cold-formed, has been outstanding and getting space in
the Building market mainly due to its lightness, convenience ...
Aplicação de indicadores de desempenho hidroambiental no Grupo de Bacias de Pequenos Rios Litorâneos 2, em Pernambuco
The present research aims to evaluate the environmental sustainability in the Small
Coastal River Basins Group 2, which belongs to all 29 Pernambuco Planning Units.
Initially, secondary data were collected from official ...
Modelo multicritério para seleção conjunta de processos construtivos em obras civis
The decision-making process on construction industry involves great complexity,
however, on a daily basis, many decisions are still taken in an improvised and nonrational way. Thus, it is necessary to use consistent ...
Perdas por making-do em obra rodoviária: um estudo de caso
Making-do refers to a situation where a task is started without all its standard inputs, or the
execution of a task is continued although the availability of at least one standard input has
ceased. This category of ...
Moradias populares: tecnologias sustentáveis para construções em alvenaria no Brasil.
The objective of this research was to study and propose technologies that are being
used in Brazil as solutions for the construction of popular homes that are sustainable
and economically viable. In addition, understand ...
Utilização da casca do coco verde para fabricação de briquetes
Brazil is a major generator of waste from the green coconut shell, which promotes
considerable accumulation of these wastes, causing severe environmental impacts.
Considering this high generation of residual biomass ...
Avaliação da aderência do sistema de revestimento argamassa com o uso da solução de cai no preparo da base
This study presents the state of the art on the ways of using the lime solution as a base preparation for the internal mortar coating system. The objective of this work is to evaluate the tensile bond strength of internal ...
Índice de consumo como parâmetro indicativo da gestão sustentável da água em uma instituição de ensino
Water is an essential resource for the development of human activities, and is also
essential for the preservation and quality of life of future generations. In view of its
importance, the adoption of an efficient and ...