Now showing items 11-13 of 13
Análise do Plano de Gestão dos Jardins Históricos de Burle Marx: uma visão de sustentabilidade e preservação do patrimônio cultural urbano.
This research aims to identify the management of the Management Plan of Burle
Marx's historic gardens that were characterized as historic gardens, located in the
city of Recife-PE. Qualitative, exploratory and descriptive ...
Certificações ambientais e os seus impactos no contexto Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) – case certificação lixo zero
It is observed that the motivation of so many industries in search of Environment
Certifications has increased significantly, not only as a marketing strategy for consumers of
their products or services, but with the aim ...
Institucionalização da sustentabilidade ambiental no Poder Judiciário: um olhar do trabalho do oficial de justiça de Pernambuco
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco, 2024-09-13)
The responsibility of public authorities to guarantee access to an ecologically balanced environment for all means that the state must take on the role of inducing conservation and preservation processes. The National ...