Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Festival de teatro online: dimensão ao desenvolvimento do Turismo Cultural
This Course Completion paper proposes an online theater festival for Recife, aiming to assist in the development of cultural tourism in the city, a segment that still needs many actions for better use. In the theoretical ...
Muhne acessível: Uma proposta de aplicativo acessível para pessoas com deficiência
The museums, inserted in a cultural tourism perspective are important tools to protect, preserve, promote and transmit our culture, working the appreciation and respect to our heritage among the visitors. From that, we saw ...
Vem ver Guararapes: uma proposta de turismo cidadão em Jaboatão dos Guararapes - PE
Jaboatão dos Guararapes is a municipality of the state of Pernambuco that has a high tourist potential, in addition to cultural and natural wealth. However, the present paper raises issues about the lack of use of this ...
Turismo, economia criativa e artesanato: Intervenções artísticas e afetivas em Cafés Saraus
Through the experiences and memories of my childhood, adolescence and youth, in
the midst of our family Café Soirees, I envisioned the possibility of including this rich
past in future actions, such as the preparation ...
Um roteiro histórico e cultural por Camaragibe -PE
This work proposes the creation of a cultural tourist itinerary based on the
attractions of the City of Camaragibe, located in the western region of the
metropolitan region of Recife, in the state of Pernambuco. The ...
Festival Cultural do Cuzcuz de Guadalupe - Olinda
Presentamos en este proyecto La creación de un festival gastronómico donde
el protagonista es elcuscús, con foco em el impulso turístico-cultural em elbarrio
Guadalupe. El Festival contará con varias actividades culturales ...
Parada Cultural: das drags a todas as CLUBBER’S
This work aims to portray the LGBTQIA+ community and their unique modes of
expression. Event proposals were developed in which the needs and concerns of
this community can be exposed and discussed with other members of ...
Cristo Redentor de Cumaru: Cultura e desenvolvimento para o turismo
The undergraduate thesis (TCC) covers an overview of the current cultural tourism scenario and how the receptive use of facilities at the Christ the Redeemer monument in Cumaru, Pernambuco, occurs. This monument holds ...