Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Programação de recursos: um estudo de caso em empresa construtora de médio porte em Pernambuco
Established from the production planning and control, the resource scheduling, when
ineffective, generate problems related to the expansion of the execution time, the waste of
materials, low productivity and the increase ...
Estudo de caso: avaliação patológica da ponte do Itaíba, Paudalho - PE.
This article aimed evaluate and show the current state of conservation of the Itaíba
of bridge, which is located over the Capibaribe River, Paudalho-PE, considered a
historical patrimony of the state. Were identified ...
Modelo multicritério para seleção conjunta de processos construtivos em obras civis
The decision-making process on construction industry involves great complexity,
however, on a daily basis, many decisions are still taken in an improvised and nonrational way. Thus, it is necessary to use consistent ...
Avaliação de propriedades mecânicas de misturas asfálticas incorporadas com elevado teor de material fresado
Asphalt pavement recycling has relevance in the road segment, since it allows the
achievement of technical quality, cost reduction and mitigation of environmental
impacts. Thus, the increase in high levels of milled ...
Análise de manifestações patológicas em habitações de interesse social na região Metropolitana de Recife-PE
A brazilian program called The Minha Casa Minha Vida Program (PMCMV) was
implemented by the government to mitigate the effects of housing shortages,
especially for low-income individuals in urban areas. However, despite ...
Gerenciamento e Supervisão das obras de unidades prisionais em Araçoiaba-PE: uma análise do processo licitatório
This article aimed to identify, present and understand the basic concepts of a
bidding process, as well as the most relevant aspects requested in invitations
through the public notice published by the Secretariat of ...