Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Overjax: um framework para facilitar o desenvolvimento de microservices
Every application has the objective of solving a certain problem or a set of them, but to
solve it it is necessary to do much more than to create entities and business rules.
The design of an application requires several ...
Avalon - Sistema de Avaliação Online
This work was developed to help IFPE teachers to design, print and apply
exams and simulation through a database of shared questions among them and to
support student learning through the provision of simulation created ...
Avaliação de desempenho de sistemas linux de tempo real teste comparativo das soluções PREMPT_RT e RTAI
The increasing complexity of real-time systems makes it necessary to use techniques and tools
that allow designers greater control of the applications developed, make development
structured, enable reuse of code and ...
Aplicação de um módulo de consulta de informações em uma biblioteca comunitária: a Open QRBib
The Open QRBib project contains a system to speed up a search for information
from books in community libraries, especially damaged books, through the use of
QR Codes. These two-dimentional barcodes are capable of storing ...
Sistema de Informações Geográficas para representação espacial de dados do cadastro de usuários de água do Alto Capibaribe
The aim of this work is to present the process of developing a geographic information System (GIS) in Web environment. The SIG, named SIGAreias, was created with the aim to support and disseminate the data and information ...
Sistema web para localização indoor - estudo de caso no Instituto Federal de Pernambuco
Although the use of GPS addresses a large part of the situations related to positioning and
location, it can also suffer serious obstructions indoors. Weakening signal, decreasing
precision and accuracy of systems based ...
Caracrachá: investigando eficiência e eficácia de uma rede neural portada para ponto fixo em ambiente embarcado
This work aims to present the viability of creating and training a neural network for
face recognition in floating point on a PC environment and later to convert it into a
fixed point neural network and port it to an ...