Now showing items 1-10 of 14
Desenvolvimento de uma aplicação Web para monitoramento dos ninhos de tartarugas marinhas no litoral da cidade de Paulista (PE)
This article describes the development processes of a web/mobile application to
help monitor sea turtles on the coast of the region of the city of Paulista, Pernambuco.
The application has features such as: map with ...
Abordagem para verificação autoexplicativa de erros em classificadores
The relevant role, in different areas of society, of Artificial Intelligence and Machine
Learning systems is perceptible, especially when used in conjunction with Decision
Support Systems. However, the lack of transparency ...
Construção de Painéis de Inteligência de Negócios com Indicadores Educacionais no IFPE Campus Paulista
The objective of this article was to produce Business Intelligence panels for the teaching management of the Federal Institute of Pernambuco located in Paulista-PE, which has data, but its transformation into information ...
CRISP-DM no desenvolvimento de funções de pedotransferência: um estudo de caso com o Banco de Dados HYBRAS
This research describes a detailed analysis on the development of pedotransfer
functions to estimate Field Capacity and Permanent Wilting Point. The adopted approach
utilizes data from the HYBRAS database, which holds ...
Análise Comparativa de Redes Neurais Artificiais e Algoritmos de Ensemble para a Predição de Risco de Crédito
In this study, the importance of credit risk analysis in the financial system is explored,
highlighting its challenges and economic implications. Given the complexity of
imbalanced data and the dynamics of the economic ...
Aplicação de Processamento de Linguagem Natural na identificação de perfis depressivos em mídias sociais.
The influence of social media on people's mental health is noticeable. With
technological advancement and the prevalence of virtual interactions, social
relationships began to be mediated by electronic devices, raising ...
Avaliação do uso de visão computacional para detecção de filhotes de tartarugas marinhas.
In Brazil, five out of the seven existing species of marine turtles can be found. Professionals specialized in this field carry out the counting of hatched offspring, cracked eggs, and stillbirths in nests. As a powerful ...
Avaliação comparativa de técnicas de aprendizado de máquina na previsão de Turnover, com uso de inteligência artificial explicável.
This article carried out a comparative analysis of ten Machine Learning
algorithms for predicting turnover scenarios in organizations. Two databases from the
Kaggle website were used: the first for an American company, ...
Avaliando o desempenho de modelos generativos de dados para classificação de notícias falsas mediante modelo matemático auxiliado por algoritmo Genético.
This paper presents a comparative analysis of the performance of a fake news classification
system using a mathematical model improved by a genetic algorithm. The
objective of this study is to investigate the potential ...
Desenvolvimento de sistema para realização de metanálises com a utilização de técnicas de mineração de textos: uma aplicação em genética forense.
Meta-analysis is a powerful systematic review tool, essential for statistical
validations in scientific studies. In the biomedical field, the primary repository accessed is
PubMed, where the focus of readers is mainly ...