dc.description.abstract | With the globalization of commerce, there's an increasing presence of manufactured
products from the Asian market within Brazil. With strong competition and increasingly
competitive prices, it is necessary for Brazilian companies to reinvent their operating
principles in pursuit of better results. In the metallurgical scenario, this need is no
different. It is imperative that production processes become increasingly lean and with
the lowest possible reject rate. Quality tools have enormous power in assisting problem
resolution. They should be applied to optimize the production process, point out
failures and indicate direction in decision making. In this study, the MASP methodology
was used and quality tools were applied in a case study within a metallurgical factory
to identify improvement points within the process and optimize the manufacturing
process of the starter gear used in assisting the electric start of 150 cc motorcycles.
The work methodology consists of mapping the entire manufacturing line of the model
using the KPI indicators to evaluate productivity, quality, safety, cost, and delivery,
applying the GUT decision matrix to point out and guide decision-making, using the
Ishikawa diagram according to the 6M's, and applying the brainstorming tool to
propose solutions. Three solutions were proposed and after conducting tests, the
problem was resolved. As a result, the processing of parts with material failure
problems in bore and hub diameters was eliminated. There were also additional gains
with process improvements made during the tests of the proposals. | pt_BR |
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