Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Entre blocos: um aplicativo para conhecer as histórias e as tradições dos blocos carnavalescos da cidade de Olinda
The project aims to highlight the culture of the traditional blocks of Olinda: O Homem
da Meia-Noite, Cariri Olindense, Pitombeiras dos 4 Cantos e Vassourinhas through
an application for tourists and residents who can ...
Muhne acessível: Uma proposta de aplicativo acessível para pessoas com deficiência
The museums, inserted in a cultural tourism perspective are important tools to protect, preserve, promote and transmit our culture, working the appreciation and respect to our heritage among the visitors. From that, we saw ...
Vem ver Guararapes: uma proposta de turismo cidadão em Jaboatão dos Guararapes - PE
Jaboatão dos Guararapes is a municipality of the state of Pernambuco that has a high tourist potential, in addition to cultural and natural wealth. However, the present paper raises issues about the lack of use of this ...
Frevocultura: I Encontro do grupos de frevo dos pontos de cultura da cidade do Recife - PE
The dimension that tourism has in its global context brings relevant aspects to the tourist activity itself in the context of Cultural Tourism, where culture is represented by something that means tradition and descent. ...
Feira das Paineiras: artesanato e promoção cultural na cidade de Paulista
This work proposes the realization of a handicraft fair with monthly editions at the
Ecoparque das Paineiras, located in the municipality of Paulista, Metropolitan
Region of Recife. The starting point for this proposal ...