Now showing items 1-10 of 13
Principais falhas no processo de impermeabilização e laje coberta na região metropolitana do Recife
The objective of this work is to present inadequate occurrences of waterproofing in
roof slabs of buildings located in the metropolitan region of Recife, focusing on
exposing the main problems generated from the incorrect ...
Avanço do mar em trechos de praias do litoral da Paraíba
Considering that the dynamic between the continent and the ocean is constantly
changing, either naturally or due to human action, it is common to observe numerous
engineering devices to intervene in the preservation of ...
Processo de implantação BIM no setor de orçamento de obras em um escritório de engenharia
The construction budget is considered one of the most important stages in a construction project, as it is through it that it becomes possible to assess the economic viability of the work, in addition to predicting and ...
Uso de água pluvial para fins não portáveis em hotel fazenda localizado em Sairé - PE
The objective of this work was to propose the reuse of rainwater, at the Hotel Fazenda
Monte Castelo, in five areas, called, A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5, as a sustainable measure
to reduce the consumption of drinking water ...
Análise de manifestações patológicas em habitações de interesse social na região Metropolitana de Recife-PE
A brazilian program called The Minha Casa Minha Vida Program (PMCMV) was
implemented by the government to mitigate the effects of housing shortages,
especially for low-income individuals in urban areas. However, despite ...
Gerenciamento e Supervisão das obras de unidades prisionais em Araçoiaba-PE: uma análise do processo licitatório
This article aimed to identify, present and understand the basic concepts of a
bidding process, as well as the most relevant aspects requested in invitations
through the public notice published by the Secretariat of ...
Recuperação estrutural em concreto armado: um estudo de caso
Maintenance and structural recovery play a crucial role in preserving the integrity
and durability of constructions over time. This article focuses on the importance of
structural recovery in maintaining the longevity ...
Sistema de tratamento de esgoto de um conjunto residencial multifamiliar no município de São Lourenço da Mata - PE
The objective of this work was to analyze the sewage treatment system of a multifamily
residential complex located in São Lourenço da Mata, in the state of Pernambuco.
Initially, bibliographical research on the topic ...
Sistema construtivo de parede de concreto moldado no local: processo construtivo, vantagens e desvantagens.
The increase in demand for safe housing over recent years has brought to
light the need for construction with increasingly leaner costs and shorter construction
times. To meet this demand, companies seek rationalized ...
Uso da fibra de coco verde na produção do tijolo de adobe na alvenaria de vedação em um conjunto habitacional de interesse social e sustentável
The objective of this work was to use green coconut fiber in the production of adobe bricks in the masonry of a housing complex of social and sustainable interest, in order to quantify the residue of coconut fiber nucifera ...