Now showing items 1-10 of 22
Principais falhas no processo de impermeabilização e laje coberta na região metropolitana do Recife
The objective of this work is to present inadequate occurrences of waterproofing in
roof slabs of buildings located in the metropolitan region of Recife, focusing on
exposing the main problems generated from the incorrect ...
Impacto da corrosão por carbonatação em pilares do viaduto ferroviário da linha sul, trecho porta larga/aeroporto
Carbonation corrosion is a chemical process that occurs in reinforced concrete
structures when the pH of the concrete decreases due to the penetration of
atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). This process is one of the ...
Análise de estabilidade de talude na comunidade de Muribara em São Lourenço da Mata - PE: estudo de caso geotécnico
Due to the disorderly growth of housing in hillside areas, it is necessary to increase
containment works to avoid collapses. Landslides in these areas have become
frequent, especially in times when the amount of precipitated ...
Avanço do mar em trechos de praias do litoral da Paraíba
Considering that the dynamic between the continent and the ocean is constantly
changing, either naturally or due to human action, it is common to observe numerous
engineering devices to intervene in the preservation of ...
Processo de implantação BIM no setor de orçamento de obras em um escritório de engenharia
The construction budget is considered one of the most important stages in a construction project, as it is through it that it becomes possible to assess the economic viability of the work, in addition to predicting and ...
Uso de água pluvial para fins não portáveis em hotel fazenda localizado em Sairé - PE
The objective of this work was to propose the reuse of rainwater, at the Hotel Fazenda
Monte Castelo, in five areas, called, A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5, as a sustainable measure
to reduce the consumption of drinking water ...
Análise de manifestações patológicas em habitações de interesse social na região Metropolitana de Recife-PE
A brazilian program called The Minha Casa Minha Vida Program (PMCMV) was
implemented by the government to mitigate the effects of housing shortages,
especially for low-income individuals in urban areas. However, despite ...
Avaliação estrutural de coberta para instalação de placas solares
The objective of this article was to conduct a structural assessment on roof wooden
framing for installation of solar panels, using the structural calculator software Cype
3D v.2023f, carrying out building inspection ...
Gerenciamento e Supervisão das obras de unidades prisionais em Araçoiaba-PE: uma análise do processo licitatório
This article aimed to identify, present and understand the basic concepts of a
bidding process, as well as the most relevant aspects requested in invitations
through the public notice published by the Secretariat of ...
Avaliação do nível de integração entre o planejamento e controle da segurança do trabalho e o planejamento de controle da produção (PCP) em construtoras: estudo de caso.
The construction industry represents, for Brazil, one of the business sectors with the
highest absorption of labor, in addition to being, according to Takahashi et al. (2018),
one of the greatest economic powers, with ...