Now showing items 1-10 of 150
O museu de ciências como ferramenta didática na visão dos professores de física: analisando o potencial didático do Espaço Interativo de Ciência, Tecnologia e Artes (EICTA)
This paper investigated the integration of the Espaço Interativo de Ciências,
Tecnologia e Artes (EICTA) in Physics teaching, through interviews with 23
participants (Physics degree students who are part of Teaching ...
Acessibilidade Comunicacional no Museu do Estado de Pernambuco
Tourism, in to beig considered an economic activity, is also social in nature, since when
moving within societies, individuals impact and are impacted by this environment.
Communication Accessibility (AC) is a set of ...
Abordagem ctsa no ensino de Física nuclear: reflexões iniciais sobre uma intervenção didática na desmistificação do uso das radiações
The traditional physics education often focuses solely on math, overlooking practical
applications in relevant social issues, like radiation usage. This study details a didactic
intervention in nuclear physics, using ...
Projeto para implantação de um hotel no aeroporto internacional do Recife :um estudo de viabilidade e impacto turístico
This feasibility study examines the possibility of implementing a hotel on the premises
of Recife International Airport, in order to assess its tourist impact. Recife International
Airport is one of the main gateways ...
Criação do espaço cultural da cidade de São Bento do Una.
Tourism has contributed significantly to the economic aspect, but it can also bring
social gains. In this sense, it is possible that in cities where the tourist flow is not
intense, alternatives can be sought to boost ...
O uso de mapas conceituais como objeto para o ensino de estática no primeiro ano do ensino médio
The present study proposes an innovative approach to teaching Statics in the first
year of high school, employing the pedagogical tool of concept maps. Concept
maps are graphical resources aimed at representing knowledge ...
Ensino da função seno através do phet interactive simulations: uma sequência didática para análise da contribuição de um laboratório virtual para a aprendizagem da matemática
The objective of this work is to evaluate the effectiveness of a didactic sequence
focused on teaching the sine function using the virtual mathematics laboratory PhET
Interactive Simulations. The virtual environment ...
Matemática financeira e finanças pessoais: análise do perfil da licenciatura em matemática do IFPE Campus Pesqueira
The objective of this work is to analyze the profile of students in the Mathematics
Education program at IFPE Campus Pesqueira regarding the application of elements
of Financial Mathematics to their personal finances. ...
Mankala colhe três: propostas de construção deste jogo etnomatemático com materiais de baixo custo
The objective of this work is to present some proposals for the construction of the
ethnomathematical game Mankala Colhe Três using low-cost materials. As this work is a
construction proposal, our suggestions were in the ...
A Metáfora da balança na introdução do tema equação do 1° grau: um estudo em livros didáticos do 7° ano
The present work aims to investigate whether the metaphor of the balance is an introductory
topic to the study of the 1st degree equation and how it is approached in textbooks of the 7th
year. Considering that this study ...